PokeSniper2 is a tool to allow you to catch any Pokemon in any location from any location (your current location) without getting softbanned.
Original by Neer.
- Examples
- Tutorial
- Usage
Remember to put in the Coords for your current Location or else you will get soft banned
Run PokeSniper2.exe
PokeSniper2 will ask for the information it needs to snipe Pokemon. Tell it to catch * or Missingno to catch all Pokemon it can find.
If you use PokeSniper2 frequently, edit the included user.xml to quickly load your info.
For the best chance to not be found cheating, edit device.xml with information from your actual device you use with the PokemonGo App.
Where to find Pokemon to snipe? Visit PokeSnipers
More ways to use PokeSniper2:
Automatic: Run autosniper.bat to have PokeSniper2 automatically catch all Pokemon listed on PokeSnipers.
Command Line: Run PokeSniper2.exe Pokemon Latitude Longitude (Use spaces) to have it read from the user.xml, catch the Pokemon and exit.
Link: Run registerurl.bat, and then you can click on pokesniper2:// links to instantly open PokeSniper2 and catch the Pokemon given in the link.
Example Link: pokesniper2://Vaporeon/51.4877909406,-0.193884849267
(Vaporeon will be gone already by the time you click this link. But if you clicked it and PokeSniper2 opened to tell you, you know you are set to use pokesniper2:// links.)
Uses automatic ball and berry selection for the best catch chance.
-PokeSniper2 1.11
Now supports device.xml for editing what to report to the API. Fixed API rate limit.
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