Features PokeSniper is an android app used for catching any rare pokemon without getting softban. Always uninstall previouse versi...

PokeSniper Android APP - 1.4.1

PokeSniper is an android app used for catching any rare pokemon without getting softban. Always uninstall previouse version before using latest version (if you encounter force close).

To avoid softban, please check first in Offiical App and catch a pokemon. If pokemon's result is flee, then your account is softban.

Home Coordinates

Set this value to the last coordinates when you play, there's 3 categories to set this coordinates:

1. Official App
When you're using the Official App, please use that last coordinates used in Official app.
2. BotThis coordinates a bit difficult, because bot is always moving its position/coordinates. Sometimes after you were botting then using this app, you'll get softban.
3. Sniper
When you use sniper program (Android or PC), use the value from that program and don't change it.
With these 3 categories, we have tested it and the result we didn't get any softban so far.

To avoid softban, please double check your HOME COORDINATES
A lot of users have been reporting that they were getting softban.

Virus Scan

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